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VID1 for R3
113.6 KB
17 Apr 2022
Lets you use VID1 with R3
author: Marco Antoniazzi
REBOL Web Server
16.0 KB
24 Oct 2005
A Simple HTTP-Server for running and debugging REBOL CGI scripts, modified %webserv.r
author: Cal Dixon
5.1 KB
11 Jul 2006
This little utility will generate natural looking trends for you. You can set a few parameters and marker points for the trend to make it looking as you wish.
author: Varga Árpád
REBOL/View Desktop - Emailer
5.5 KB
20 Nov 2004
It's an enhancement of the original emailer released in the ViewDesktop. It handles file attachments.
author: Didier Cadieu
HTML Rainbow generator for Rebol/View
2.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Create HTML color fade effects. Places output on the clipboard
author: Cal Dixon
4.4 KB
9 Mar 2009
A simple Wizard VID style
author: Ammon Johnson
Demo sound player
wavplayer.r10.6 KB
4 Nov 2011
The is a complete program (as opposed to a code sample) that plays a .wav file. It is an annotated modification of a script sent to the author in response to a question on the REBOL mailing list, namely, how to find out how long a .wav file will play. Besides playing a sound file, this script is annotated to explain how to make a progress [...]
author: Steven White with help from Rosemary de Dear
REBOL Web Server
13.6 KB
23 Jan 2004
A Simple HTTP-Server that can run REBOL CGI scripts
author: Cal Dixon
Webcam Viewer
webcam-viewer.r1.3 KB
29 Jun 2008
Display video feeds from live webcam servers. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Micro Web Server
2.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Here is a web server that works quite well and can be run from just about any machine. It's not only fast, but its also small so it's easy to enhance.
author: [unknown]
Native Windows requestors
win-requestors.r3.4 KB
29 Jun 2009
A set of four Windows native requestors that approximate and extend the functionality of the REBOL request* functions.
author: Ashley G Truter
3.2 KB
11 Apr 2006
REBOL implementation of the well-known xcopy tool. xcopy allows you to copy in one move files, directories, subdirectories and contained files to a given location.
author: Christophe 'REBOLtof' Coussement
YARM - Yet Another Rebol Messenger
1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
An email-client with a browser front-end
author: Tommy Giessing Pedersen